Security Pass Application 4
​​ (For Contractor Requiring Non-Casino Access)​

Notes : 

1. This application is for Contractors who are engaged to perform duty outside casino boundary and casino back-of house areas. 
2. This application form is only valid for 2 weeks after endorsed by the Requestor and Reviewer in Part II. 
3. Temporary Pass applicants shall collect the pass from the following Security Pass Offices: ​​​
         Security Pass Office 1 (USS Staff Entrance) - East Zone/All Zones ​
         Centralised Security Pass Office (Loading Bay "D") - Central Zone/West Zone ​
         GHJ Security Office (Loading Bay) - Genting Hotel Jurong
​4. Renewal of Long-term Contractor Pass may be made up to 30 days before the expiry date of the pass. 
5. A deposit of S$90 is required for a new Long-term Contractor Pass. 
6. RWS reserves the rights to discontinue the Long-term Contractor Pass should the contractor work less than 5 days per month in Resorts World at Sentosa Pte. LTd.         (“RWS”).​​

Part I: Applicant's Particulars (To be completed by Contractor)

Project Description 

1. I shall not game on the casino premises during the period of entry using the Contractor Pass. This is an offence under Section 116(5A) of the Casino Control Act.
2. I shall wear the Contractor Pass at all times on RWS premises. Under no circumstances will I give my Contractor Pass to another person.
3. Temporary Contractor Pass (T-Pass): I shall return the T-Pass immediately at the end of my work shift.
4. Long-Term Contractor Pass (LTC Pass): I shall pay a $10 administrative fee and $90 security deposit for a LTC Pass. When I am no longer under the employment of the      Contractor or deployed to work in RWS, I shall surrender the LTC Pass immediately to RWS Centralised Security Pass Office. I have informed my Contractor that the        deposit of $90 shall be forfeited if the following clauses 1, 2, 4 and 5 were not complied.
5. I shall not alter, deface or duplicate the Contractor Pass. In the event that the Contractor Pass is lost or damaged, I shall report the matter immediately to RWS                Centrallised Security Pass Office (6577 8580) or after office hours, to Resort Security Command Centre (6577 8588). I shall bear the cost of $50 for the lost/damaged        pass.
6. All payments shall be made via cheque and payable to “Resorts World at Sentosa Pte. Ltd.”.
7. I am studying in one of the approved institutions; (name of institution). (Student Pass holder)
8. I am not below 21 years old, nor under any Exclusion Order at the point of this application. If I become aware that I am under an Exclusion Order or applied for              financial assistance, I shall inform the sponsoring Business Unit and Resort Security Command Centre (6577 8588) immediately and surrender my Contractor Pass.
9. I note that there is CCTV coverage on RWS’ premises and that RWS may collect, use and/or disclose my images, likeness and/or footage of me from such CCTV              coverage for security and/or surveillance purposes. I hereby waive any right of inspection or approval and irrevocably release RWS and all other parties from any            liability that arising from or in connection with such collection, use and/or disclosure.

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